August 2023

The Success Story of IMEACONF 2023 Proceeding Virtual Session Name Affliation Article title Dr. Leana Esterhuyse University of South Africa, South Africa...

The Success Story of IMEACONF 2023

Virtual Session

Name Affliation Article title
Dr. Leana Esterhuyse University of South Africa, South Africa Accountability in times of the Covid-19 pandemic – evidence from South Africa
Prof. Juliane Proelss Concordia University, Canada CEO Gender and Firm Performance amidst Covid
Dr. Hadeer Mounir Mourad Ahmed Mahmoud German University in Cairo, Egypt Asset Pricing across London’s AIM and Main Market
Prof. Onesmus Ayaya The University of Limpopo, South Africa Manifold Professional Institutes’ Landscape and Business Rescue Occupational Professionalism
Dr. Songporn Hansanti Kasetsart University, Thailand Services Marketing Factors Influence on Customers’ Loyalty to The True 5G Mobile Phone Network Service in Bangkok
Dr. Albert Yirmiyahu Sapir Academic College, Israel The Dynamics of Increased Accessibility to Academic Education and its Returns: A Case Study of Israel’s Periphery in the Labor Market
Prof. Chuenjit Changchenkit Kasetsart University, Thailand Social Media Advertising Perception Affecting Consumers’ Decision Making Process of Online Bakery Shops in Thailand.
Prof. Irina Bilan Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi, Romania Unemployment Compensations and Entrepreneurial Initiative: Does Entrepreneurial Motivation Matter?
Dr. Nadia Sbei Trabelsi American University in Dubai, United Arab Emirates Real Earnings Management and Audit Quality: Pre- and Post-IFRS
Miss Ek-Anong Tangrukwaraskul Kasetsart University, Thailand Financial Performance of Healthcare Firms listed in the Stock Exchange of Thailand during the Pandemic using TOPSIS Technique
Dr.  Apichat Pongsupatt Kasetsart University,Thailand Financial Factors Affecting Performance: Evidence of Thailand Stock Exchange SET 50 Index
Prof. Hasan İslatince Anadolu University, Turkey Forecasting Financial Crises in Turkey With Leading Indicators (1992:Q1-2023:Q1) 2023:Q1)
Ms. Sirijin Wongjarupun Kasetsart University, Thailand Cost Reduction Approaches in Service Bussinesses
Prof. Yusuke Miyake Faculty of Manaement and Economics, Japan “AI and Human Capital Substitutability and Stability towards a New Steady-State”
management conference 2023 Prof. Pat M. Beck CamEd Business School, Cambodia Embracing New Ideas in Management, Economics, and Accounting in Times of Global Uncertainty
Dr. Sanderson Abel Nelson Mandela University, Zimbabwe Is public educational expenditure growth enhancing? An application of ARDL approach
Mr. Alhamdi Zuhri Asia University Taiwan, Taiwan ESG Disclosure and Firm Performance: The moderating role of Audit Quality on Indonesian Companies
Mr. Sayan Kombarov Ecowatt LLP, Kazakhstan Economics, Econometrics and Statistics from the perspective of the principle of Least Action of Physics
Dr. Gernot Mödritscher Universität Klagenfurt, Austria Linking Customer Journey to Customer Lifetime Value: Towards A More Comprehensive Control of Customer Relationships
Dr. Abeid Gaspar Institute of Finance Management, Tanzania The perceptions of actors in Tanzanian local governments on the implementation of audit recommendations